Story maps

Enjoy swimming in Hong Kong 暢"游"香港

(added on 2017/05/19)

© 2017
Map created by CUHK SpatioEpi Group


Beaches and swimming pools are good places for recreation in hot summer. Hong Kong has 41 gazetted beaches (4 closed) and the opening ones are staffed with life guards during designated time slots. Besides accessibility and availability of facilities (e.g. barbecue site), beach water quality is an important consideration while choosing between beaches.

The map shows the spatial distribution of beach grading results derived from the E. coli bacteria count in water samples as determined by the Government’s Environmental Protection Department (EPD). All gazetted beaches are shown to have complied with the Water Quality Objectives (ranked Good or Fair) in 2016 – May 2017. Beaches on the east (Sai Kung) and south (Southern, Lamma Island, Cheung Chau and Lantau Island) of Hong Kong were ranked as Good (green stars) in 2016 (annual ranking) and early May 2017 (weekly ranking). Beaches in the western part of Hong Kong (Tuen Mun and Tsuen Wan) and Silverstrand Beach in Sai Kung were ranked as Fair (pink stars) in both time periods. The top five beaches in 2016 were Hap Mun Bay Beach, South Bay Beach, Chung Hom Kok Beach, Hung Shing Yeh Beach and Lo So Shing Beach. These grading results are different from the spatial distribution of water turbidity and average daily number of visitors in weekends/public holidays. Repulse Bay Beach and Stanley Main Beach were ranked Good with low water turbidity but a higher number of visitors. EPD regularly updates beach grading results on their website in the swimming seasons (March to October). Why not check before going to the beach?

Remember: while using the facilities, protect the environment so as to ensure sustainable development.

Data for this map came from “Beach Water Quality in Hong Kong 2016” published by Environmental Protection Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government.

炎炎夏日,泳灘泳池都是消暑的好去處。2017年全香港共有41 個憲報公布的公眾泳灘(4個暫停開放) 。開放的泳灘在指定時間有救生員當值。選擇泳灘時,除了考慮交通及附近的康樂設施(如燒烤場),泳灘的海水質素也十分重要。

地圖顯示香港政府環境保護署在泳季期間的泳灘水質指標評級,情況根據大腸桿菌水平監測結果設定。2016至2017年5月初,所有泳灘都符合法定的水質指標,評為『良好』或『一般』。2016全年達到『良好』及2017年5月初達到『良好』級別(綠色星號)的泳灘主要分佈於香港的東面(西貢)及南岸(南區、南丫島、長洲、大嶼山)。而香港西面(屯門、荃灣) 部分泳灘及西貢的銀線灣泳灘在兩段時間都被評為『一般』 (粉紅色星號)。 2016全年級別最高的五個泳灘分別是廈門灣泳灘、南灣泳灘、舂坎角泳灘、洪聖爺灣泳灘及蘆鬚城泳灘。另一方面,泳灘海水的水樣濁度及假日泳客人數分佈與水質指標分佈不同。當中淺水灣泳灘及赤柱正灘泳灘水質指標『良好』、海水清澈但假日泳客人數較多。環境保護署於泳季 (三至十月) 定期更新網頁泳灘監測結果。大家不妨去泳灘前查詢一下 (



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Escherichia coli 大腸桿菌

Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a bacterium commonly found in the guts of humans and other warm-blooded animals. Most strains of E. coli are harmless, but some can cause severe food-borne disease by producing toxins called shiga-toxin. In response to the German outbreak and the seriousness of the disease, Shiga toxin-producing E. coli infection has been included as one of the statutory notifiable diseases in Hong Kong since June 2011.

Symptoms of infection include abdominal cramps and diarrhoea, which may be bloody. Fever and vomiting may also occur.

E. coli infection is usually transmitted through ingestion of contaminated water or food. Therefore, hand washing, especially after using bathroom or changing diapers and before preparing food or eating, is an effective preventive measure. Cooking meat thoroughly and avoiding raw milk and unpasteurized dairy products can also prevent human from infection.




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