©2010 SpatioEpi.com
Data source: Lands Department, LSCD and Legislative Council
Map created by CUHK SpatioEpi Group
Cycling is not only an environmentally-friendly means of transportation for short journey, but also a recreational activity bringing benefits to physical health.
The map shows the distribution of cycling facilities in Hong Kong. Indicated by yellow lines, cycling tracks are mostly located north in new towns in the New Territories. Currently the cycling track network connects adjacent districts, like Sha Tin with Tai Po, and Yuen Long with Tuen Mun. The bike symbols show the locations of cycling ground, which are found also in urban areas.
Road safety is an issue of concern in cycling. As depicted by graduated colours, greater lengths of cycling tracks in a district was associated with a higher number of bicycle accidents in 2007.
Data for the map were obtained from Lands Department, Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LSCD) and from Legislative Council meeting document.
圖中各區顏色顯示出該區於2007年涉及單車的交通意外數字。一般而言,區內單車徑長度與單車意外數字相關。 各單車使用者需注意道路安全。
Commuting refers to the back and forth travelling between, say, home and workplace. There are debates on the association between commuting and health. Some suggest that long hours of commuting especially in a confined space (e.g. a packed train), traffic jams and delays can be causes of emotional stress. On the other hand, commuters may be more physically fit in general as they need to cope with the longer distance of travelling (e.g. to and from the station/ work location, up and down stairs), which constitute exercise.
Regular physical activity improves cardio-pulmonary function, helps control weight, maintains strength of muscles, bones and joints, and promotes psychological well-being. As a result, the risk of developing many chronic health problems such as heart diseases, diabetes mellitus and stroke can be reduced. To achieve health benefit, it is recommended to have 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity a day for at least 5 days a week
In urban cities, sedentary lifestyle and increased use of vehicles or railways for transportation are associated with diminution of physical activity among citizens. Air pollution and lack of recreational facilities also discourage participation in physical activities.
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