©2008 SpatioEpi.com
Data source: Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases, CUHK
Map created by CUHK SpatioEpi Group
This map shows the residential distribution of staff working for an organisation in Hong Kong. This organisation has two offices, represented in square. The yellow dots are the locations of staff who work in "yellow square" office and light green dots in "light green square" office.
Light blue circle represents the 2Km buffer zone from the centre of work location, and orange border circle represents 5Km zone. This map shows that a majority (69%) of staff live within 5Km of their work location.
Interestingly, some studies have suggested that there could be positive or negative association between commuting and one's health.
Commuting refers to the back and forth travelling between, say, home and workplace. There are debates on the association between commuting and health. Some suggest that long hours of commuting especially in a confined space (e.g. a packed train), traffic jams and delays can be causes of emotional stress. On the other hand, commuters may be more physically fit in general as they need to cope with the longer distance of travelling (e.g. to and from the station/ work location, up and down stairs), which constitute exercise.
Organisations 有關機構
Further information 詳細資料