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How to get there? 乘車、步行,還是。。。。。。

(updated on 2013/06/10)

©2008 SpatioEpi.com
Data source: Wong Ngai Sze, Department of Geography & Resource Management, CUHK
Map created by Wong Ngai Sze, Department of Geography & Resource Management, CUHK


The map shows the mean centre of residence of methadone treatment users with respect to their transport means in Tai Po district. As anticipated, those who live further away choose public transport whereas those living closer normally walk to the clinic in order to minimise their monetary costs. Tai Po district is a partly urbanized area where one unique form of transport is cycling, which might not be the choice for those living in urban districts like Wai Chai.

美沙酮使用者傾向採用低成本方法到診所就診。在可能範圍內,住診所附近的吸毒者一般都會步行, 而住得較遠的則會使用公共交通工具。大埔是個近郊的市鎮,而騎單車是其中一種獨特的交通工具。這是住在市區如灣仔的美沙酮使用者從不考慮的方法。

Related Article

Methadone 美沙酮

  • Methadone can be used as analgesic, cough suppressant and anti-addictive maintenance in people who are on opioids. Back in the 1970s, in order to reduce drug dependence amongst heroin users, the Hong Kong Government established methadone maintenance programme and opened clinics to provide methadone to heroin users. Oral methadone has longer action (24 to 36 hours) as compared to heroin (6 to 8 hours). Its action is to occupy the brain receptor sites affected by heroin, thereby blocking the effects as well as relieving the craving and withdrawal symptoms. Methadone maintenance reduces unsafe needle sharing and potentially reduces blood borne infections. Methadone maintenance is a form of harm reduction measure, as it potentially reduces criminal offences associated with drug addiction and leads heroin users back to a normal life.
  • 美沙酮可以用作為鎮痛藥、抑制咳嗽及用以治療有吸食海洛英等習慣的吸毒者。早於上世紀70年代,為了減少吸食海洛英使用者的毒癮,香港政府建立美沙酮診所提供美沙酮作為代用療法。口服美沙酮的藥效可以維持24至36小時,比海洛英(6至8小時)為長。在體內美沙酮佔據被海洛英影響的腦受體,阻止毒品發揮功效,大大減低倚賴及毒癮癥狀。口服美沙酮能減少因共用針筒而引起血液感染的傳染病。美沙酮代用療法有效幫助吸毒者回復正常生活,以及減少毒品買賣而引發的種種罪案問題。

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