©2009 SpatioEpi.com
Data source: NASA's LandSat 7 Thematic Mapper dated November 2005
Satellite image provides a valuable tool for understanding the land use/land cover pattern over a large area. This image provides a snapshot of the Pearl River Delta in South China, with Hong Kong being shown in the lower right corner. In this satellite image, taken in November 2005, red indicates vegetation cover, grey indicates built-up area, dark blue indicates water and light blue indicates sediment-laden water.
Satellite image, one of the products from remote sensing techniques, reflects light radiance of any object at numerous ranges of electromagnetic spectrum. Among the ranges, the near infrared region is commonly used to assess the change of vegetation cover and water quality.
In these maps, the brightness of the red colour is mainly determined by the species and healthiness of vegetation. Bright red normally represents dense coverage of woodland in mountain areas while light red represents cultivated land (e.g. lowland of the Pearl River Delta estuary)
As clear water gives almost no reflection in the near infrared spectrum, it often appears to be dark in colour. However, when water is filled with suspended sediment or pollutant, this will allow better reflectivity and result in a brighter appearance.
人造衛星圖片是遙感技術下其中一個產物,它主要是用作反映物件在不同電磁光譜範圍的光線放射情況。 在不同的電磁光譜範圍中,近紅外線通常是用作分析植被分佈及檢測水體素質。
在近紅外線中, 紅色的光亮度主要受植被的品種和健康情況影響。 以網頁上的珠江三角洲衛星圖為例,深紅色的地方為山上的林地,而淺紅色的地方則是耕地 (例如三角洲河口部份) 。
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