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Data source: Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Map created by CUHK SpatioEpi Group
To many people, influenza may just be a minor ailment. Caused by the influenza virus, infected individuals may require hospitalization if the condition is severe. Elderly people are particularly susceptible to severe influenza because of weakened immunity. The map shows the distribution of influenza cases admitted to a district hospital between March and November 2010 in Hong Kong. The dots and circles represent the resident location of influenza patients requiring hospitalization. People at or above the age of 65 people accounted for a majority of the influenza patients, many of which were residents of elderly homes (house symbols). It is not uncommon to find multiple patients (circles) in the same elderly home, which may be a result of cross infection. Yearly vaccination is an important means of protecting old people from severe influenza diseases. Data used in this map were obtained from a study conducted at the Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital in Tai Po District in the North East of Hong Kong.
流感是由病毒引起的傳染病,對很多人來說祇是偶發的小毛病。由於免疫力減弱,長者感染流感情況可以十分嚴重,可能需要在醫院接受治療。地圖顯示2010年3月至11月期間, 香港一間地區醫院的住院流感病人分佈,圖中圖點和圖圈代表病人居住地點,65歲或以上的長者佔了總數的大部分,不少來自老人院舍(屋形標記)。同一院舍往往有不祇一名長者患病入院,部份可能和交叉感染有關。明顯地,每年為長者注射疫苗至為重要,可以減低患病入院的人數。地圖數據源自大埔那打素醫院的一項研究,該院位於香港東北。
Influenza is a respiratory infection caused by the influenza virus, different forms of which are normally circulating in not just human beings but pigs and birds. All influenza viruses are divided into A, B and C, and further distinguished by their H and N antigens. There are currently 18 H (standing for haemagglutinin) and 11 N (standing for neuraminidase) antigens. Epidemics occurred when novel viruses are introduced to the human population. Pandemic influenza A (H1N1), previously referred as Swine flu, was an example causing worldwide outbreaks in 2009. The genetic structure of this influenza virus contains segments from pig, bird and human, reflecting the occurrence of reassortment. Studies suggested a case fatality rate of 0.4% for the novel infection, and a higher tendency for causing disease in young people compared to other forms of seasonal flu. Since 2009, the same virus has continued to cause outbreaks in different populations at different timepoints.
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