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The Unstoppable TB? 癆不可破?

(added on 2010/03/23)

©2010 SpatioEpi.com
Data source: World Health Organization (WHO)
Map created by CUHK SpatioEpi Group


Tuberculosis (TB), a significant public health problem worldwide, remains the major cause of death in many countries. The map shows the global distribution of the estimated number of TB prevalence cases and the number of deaths from TB in 2007. As shown by the graduated colours, China and India have the highest TB prevalence, while some countries in Southeast Asia and Africa have a relatively higher TB prevalence than other parts of the world in general. Using varying size of circles, the map also shows the distribution of TB deaths, which resembles the distribution of TB prevalence cases. Co-infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a concurrent public health problem in many countries.


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Global TB strategy 全球結核病監控戰略

World Health Organisation (WHO), together with the Stop TB Partnership, launched The Stop TB Strategy in 2006 with the goal of reducing global TB burden dramatically by 2015. To achieve the goal, six implementation approaches have been identified to address different challenges in the TB control programme (Details of each approach can be found in the official website of The Stop TB Strategy). Besides implementing TB control programmes, WHO has decided to raise public awareness of tuberculosis by observing World TB Day on March 24, which also commemorates the day in 1882 when Dr Robert Koch discovered the TB bacillus.

於2006年,世界衛生組織聯同控制結核伙伴關係發起了一個名為《控制結核戰略》的項目,目的旨在於2015年之前大大減低結核病對各國公共衛生的負擔。根據所訂下目標,有關人仕制定了六個方針分別應付不同層面的疾病控制問題 (詳情可以在項目的官方網站找到)。除了控制結核病疫情之外,世界衛生組織為了加強大眾對結核病的關注,把每年三月二十四日定為世界結核日,同時亦紀念羅伯柯霍醫生於1882年同日發現了導致結核病的細菌。

Tuberculosis 結核病

What is Tuberculosis? 什麼是結核病?

  • Tuberculosis, or TB, is a bacterial disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which most commonly affects the lungs.
  • In healthy people, infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis often causes no symptom, since the person’s immune system acts to “wall off” the bacteria. The symptoms of active TB of the lungs are cough, sometimes with sputum or blood, chest pain, general weakness, weight loss, fever and night sweats. Tuberculosis is normally treated with a six to nine-month course of antibiotics.
  • 結核病是由一種名為結核桿菌的細菌所引起的傳染病,通常影響肺部。
  • 受結核桿菌感染的病人,部份因本身的免疫系統發揮作用而不會有任何病癥。而活躍肺結核病的病癥則包括咳嗽,痰涎中帶血、胸口痛、疲倦、體重下降、發燒、夜間冒汗等。結核病者一般需要接受為期六至九個月的抗生素療程治療。

How does it spread? 如何傳播?

  • TB is transmitted from person to person via droplets from the throat and lungs of people with the active respiratory infection.
  • 結核病是經患者呼吸系統產生的飛沫於空氣中人傳人感染的。

Vaccine? 疫苗?

  • BCG, or bacillus Calmette-Guérin, is a vaccine for tuberculosis disease. In Hong Kong, all the new born babies receive BCG vaccine as a part of the childhood immunisation programme. Vaccination does not guarantee protection.
  • 卡介苗是用以預防結核病的一種疫苗。每一個香港新生嬰兒需要接受一系列免疫接種,當中包括卡介苗注射。接種卡介苗並不保證不受結核桿菌感染。

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