©2009 SpatioEpi.com
Data source: media reports and www.chp.gov.hk
Map created by Candy Wong and CUHK SpatioEpi Group
The map shows the locations of buildings where confirmed swine flu cases (Influenza H1N1) have been reported ever since the first patient was diagnosed in Hong Kong. Spanning over an eight-week period (1 May to 26 June) and with a cumulative total of 596 confirmed cases, the distribution has so far been heterogeneous. Most of the confirmed patients have come from Hong Kong Island, urban Kowloon and parts of the New Territories. This uneven pattern could be partly methodological as confirmed cases accounted for only a minority of actual number of infected individuals. As a virus that's transmitted through close contacts, networking pattern may also explain partly the current pattern. The high transmissibility of the virus would mean that the uneven pattern may ultimately end with a disseminated infection.
Data for the map were collated from media reports and uploaded statistics of the Centre for Health Protection (CHP www.chp.gov.hk) up to 26 June, the last day that a 'building list' was made available on the CHP website.
地圖顯示香港確診新型豬流感病毒(Influenza A H1N1) 人士所居建築物的分佈。自二零零九年五月一日發現第一例至六月二十六日的八星期,全港共確診596個案。感染者的居住地方分佈並不平均,主要集中香港島、九龍市區和部份新界地區。由於確診人數祇佔真實感染個案的小部份,地圖所示的分佈情況不能完全作準。另一方面,新型豬流感經人傳人散播,故此人際網絡結構亦會影響分佈。病毒的傳染性極高,今天的局部分佈可能最終被全面擴散所取代。
地圖資料源自報刊報導和香港政府衛生署衛生防護中心網頁(www.chp.gov.hk) ,後者截至六月二十六日,之後再沒有更新感染者居住建築物資料。
Organisations 有關機構
Further information 詳細資料