©2009 SpatioEpi.com
Data source: CDC, Taiwan.
Map created by CUHK SpatioEpi Group
The map shows the distribution of reported acute cases of hepatitis B and C in Taiwan in 2007. For acute hepatitis B, Taipei County had the highest number of cases, 45, followed by Taipei City, 31 and Taoyuen County, 30 cases. For acute hepatitis C, the highest number reported was in Taipei County, 25, followed by Taichung City, 22, and Taipei City, 21 cases.
The prevalence of hepatitis B and C in the general population varies considerably. In Taiwan the hepatitis B carrier rate exceeds 10%, while that of hepatitis C is around 2-5%. With the introduction of universal hepatitis B vaccination, acute hepatitis B is becoming uncommon. On the other hand, hepatitis C has resulted from contaminated transfusion in the past. The current reported numbers may refer to those of injection drug users who are diagnosed with the infection because of needle-sharing. The two sets of reporting figures look similar but bear different meanings.
What is Hepatitis B? 什麼是乙型肝炎?
Hepatitis B is an infection caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Acute infection can be asymptomatic, though rare cases of fulminant hepatitis may also occur. Over 90% of adults recover completely from HBV infection and do not become chronically infected, but children who have HBV infection are more likely to become a chronic carrier.
乙型肝炎是病毒性肝炎之一,由乙型肝炎病毒引起。急性感染者可以全無癥狀,但偶然發生罕見致命的嚴重肝炎 。一般而言受乙型肝炎病毒感染的成人中大約九成以上完全痊癒,並不會成為帶原者 。但若然兒童受乙型肝炎病毒感染的話,復康後成為帶原者機會較高。
How does it spread? 如何傳播?
The routes of Hepatitis B transmission are: Blood contact, perinatal transmission and sexual contact.
Vaccine? 疫苗?
A complete course of hepatitis B vaccination normally takes a total of three injections. The second dose is normally given one month after the first one, and the third dose is given 5 months after the second one.
乙型肝炎疫苗一般需要注射三次,第一和第二次相隔一個月,第二和第三次注 射之間相隔五個月。
Organisations 有關機構
Further information 詳細資料