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Growing epidemic of diabetes 糖尿病成為全球疫症

(added on 2008/11/07)

©2008 SpatioEpi.com
Data source: WHO (2000)
Map created by CUHK SpatioEpi Group


Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder with many complications. It consumes at least 10% in total health care expenditure in many countries. Nowadays, high carbohydrate diet has gradually replaced traditional diet, a phenomenon observed even in developing countries. Decreased physical activities have led to overweight and obesity, which is another risk factor to DM. The map shows the various distribution of DM including both rich and poor countries.


Related Article

Diabetes Mellitus 糖尿病

  • Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder which affects sugar regulation in the body. There are two types of DM: Type I, Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM) and Type II, Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM). In Type I DM, the body has problem in producing beta cell in the pancreas (beta cells are responsible for producing insulin). Type II DM is characterised by insulin resistance instead. Insulin is a sugar-metabolizing hormone, the lack of which can lead to high blood sugar, and the presence of sugar in the urine. This is the phenomenon behind the name DM, which literally means sweet and excessive urine.
  • 糖尿病是一種體內糖份控制出現問題的代謝疾病,分一型胰島素依賴型及二型非胰島素依賴型兩種。一型糖尿病者,身體的胰臟未能分泌足夠的β細胞去生產胰島素。而二型則是由於身體出現對胰島素的抗阻現象,令胰島素不能發揮功效。胰島素是促使糖份代謝的賀爾蒙,其缺乏或抗阻可令血糖上升,尿液中含有葡萄糖,是顧名思義的『糖尿』。

Related maps 相關地圖

Other resources 其他資訊

Organisations 有關機構

Further information 詳細資料

  • Diabetes mellitus, WHO
  • Diabetes & Me, CDC