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Data source: World Health Organization
Map created by CUHK SpatioEpi Group
On 24th March each year, World Health Organization (WHO) commemorate the World TB Day to raise awareness of efforts to end the global TB epidemic. In 2014 and 2015, all Member States of the United Nations (UN) had committed to ending the TB epidemic, through their adoption of WHO’s End TB Strategy and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The strategy sets the 2025 milestones, aiming to achieve a 50% reduction in the TB incidence rate, and a 75% reduction in the number of TB deaths compared to 2015. Additionally, the 2025 milestones include also the target that no TB patients and their households face catastrophic total costs because of TB diseases.
Among the 30 high TB burden countries, which account for 87% of the world’s TB cases in 2022, the upper map shows the progress that has been made from 2015 to 2022. Only South Africa has achieved the incidence target (coloured dark green), while 17% of the high TB burden countries have reached more than half of the target (light green). Almost two-thirds (63%) of the high TB burden countries have decreased incidence but have not yet reached half of the target (cream), while 17% experienced an increase (yellow). In terms of reducing the number of TB deaths, only Uganda has achieved the target (purple rhomboid symbol), and 27% of the high TB burden countries have reached more than half of the target (light purple rhomboid). Some 43% have decreased but only achieved a level less than half of the target (blue rhomboid), while 23% experienced an increase (red rhomboid).
The lower map illustrates the catastrophic total costs faced by TB patients and their households in 17 high TB burden countries from the national survey for 2015-2022. No countries have achieved the target. In most countries (53%), more than 50% of TB patients and their households face catastrophic total costs (light green and yellow).
It is still a long way to go to end the TB epidemic in high TB burden countries.
Data for the map were extracted from WHO Global Tuberculosis Report 2023 (https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240083851).
每年的3月24日是世界防治結核病日(世界防癆日), 世界衛生組織( WHO )呼籲全世界提高對終止結核病( TB )流行工作的認識 。在2014和2015年,聯合國的所有成員國承諾終止結核病流行,通過了WHO的終止結核病戰略和聯合國可持續發展目標( SDGs )。 該戰略設定了2025里程碑目標,即以2015年為基線,在2025年TB發病率減少50%、TB死亡人數減少75%,以及TB患者及其家庭面臨災難性的費用降為0。
2022年,30個TB高負擔國家的TB患者約佔全球TB患者的87%。 上面的地圖顯示了TB高負擔國家在2015-2022年期間防治結核所取得的進展。只有南非完成了結核發病率下降50%的目標(深綠色區域),17%的高負擔國家實現了目標的一半及以上(淺綠色),近三分之二的高負擔國家雖然有所下降但只下降了不到目標的一半(奶油色), 且有17%的高負擔國家出現了不降反升的情況(黃色)。 結核病死亡人數方面,只有烏幹達完成了目標(紫色菱形標記), 27%的高負擔國家實現了目標的一半及以上(淺紫色菱形),43%的高負擔國家雖然有所下降但只下降了不到目標的一半(藍色菱形), 且有23%的高負擔國家出現了不降反升的情況(紅色菱形)。
下面的地圖顯示了TB高負擔國家的TB患者及其家庭面臨災難性費用支出的情況,僅顯示了2015-2022年完成調查的17個國家。 目前尚未有TB高負擔國家完成目標。 在大部分國家(53%)中, 仍然有50%以上的TB患者及其家庭面臨災難性的費用(淺綠色和黃色區域)。
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