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HIV testing expansion 擴大HIV 檢測

(added on 2023/11/23)

© 2023 SpatioEpi.com
Data source: World Health Organization
Map created by CUHK SpatioEpi Group


On 1st of December every year, World Health Organization (WHO) calls upon global partners and communities to commemorate World AIDS Day, an opportunity to remind the world of the commitment to end AIDS by 2030. As the latest data showed that there were 39 million people living with HIV(PLWH) in 2022, HIV infection continues to be a major public health concern. To reach the 95-95-95 targets proposed by UNAIDS, expansion of HIV testing is a critical strategy to achieve the first 95 that requires 95% of PLWH to know their HIV status.

HIV testing is the gateway to HIV prevention and treatment, and many countries are facing challenges in HIV testing implementation. The areas in graduated colours on the map represent the implementation status of 2015 WHO guidelines on HIV testing services among 117 countries. Green represents countries that have fully adopted, orange represents countries that have partly adopted, and red represents countries that haven't adopted the guidelines. Only 56.4% of the included countries have fully adopted the WHO guidelines on HIV testing as of 2022.

From the latest UNAIDS data, only 9 of the included countries have achieved the target and are labelled with yellow rhomboids. In 60% of the included countries, less than 86% (average level) of PLWH know their HIV infection status, and these countries are labelled with white and purple rhomboids. Countries approaching the first 95 are labelled with dark blue rhomboids.

The 'PLWH who know their HIV infection status' through HIV testing is crucial to ensure timely treatment and enforce the treatment-as-prevention strategy. Knowing one's HIV infection status not only benefits the PLWH but also the communities. The earlier they know their HIV infection status, the earlier their life-saving treatment can start, the better outcome they can reach, also the earlier their partners or families can access HIV prevention treatment. However, there is still a long way to go to achieve the first 95.

Data for the map were extracted from UNAIDS (https://www.unaids.org/en).

每年的12月1日是世界愛滋病日, 世界衛生組織(WHO)呼籲全世界共同努力以實現2030年終結愛滋病(AIDS)流行的目標。根據最新的數據顯示,2022年全球共有3900萬名愛滋病毒(HIV)感染者, HIV感染仍然是一個重大的公共衛生問題。擴大HIV 檢測服務對於實現聯合國愛滋病規劃署(UNAIDS)提出的第一個95目標(即:95%的HIV 感染者知曉他們的感染狀態)十分重要。

HIV檢測是進一步開展愛滋預防和治療的關鍵,但目前仍然有許多國家在HIV檢測實施時面臨很多挑戰。地圖中較深顔色的區域代表了117個國家實施WHO在2015年推薦的HIV 檢測指南的情況;截止到2022年,只有56.4%的國家完全採納了WHO推薦的HIV 檢測服務,綠色代表完全採納,橙色代表部分採納,紅色代表沒有採納。

UNAIDS最新的數據報告顯示,在可收集數據的國家中,僅有9個國家實現了95的目標。 在大部分可收集數據的國家(60%),只有不到86%(知曉感染狀態的平均水平)的感染者知曉他們的感染狀態。黃色菱形代表實現第一個95的國家,深藍色菱形代表快接近目標的國家,白色和紫色菱形代表HIV感染者對於HIV感染知曉率仍然較低的國家。

HIV 感染者知曉他們的感染狀態是及時治療和促使治療達致預防的關鍵。知曉HIV感染狀態不僅有利於患者本人,也有利於患者的家人、伴侶以及社區。HIV感染者越早知道他們的感染狀態,他們可以越早開始治療,進而獲得更好的治療結局,同時也可以儘早保護HIV 感染者的家人和伴侶。但目前要實現第一個95仍然有很長的路需要走。

地圖資料源自聯合國愛滋病規劃署(https://www.unaids.org/en) 。

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