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Where mickeys hang out 鼠輩橫行

(added on 2018/08/17)

©2018 SpatioEpi.com
Data source: Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, Hong Kong Government.
Map created by CUHK SpatioEpi Group


Summer in Hong Kong is hot and humid, creating a suitable environment for rodents to live and breed. Rodents can transmit infectious diseases, bite people, damage building fittings and household furniture.

The map shows the rodent infestation rate (RIR) in 2013-2017 as reported by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) of the Hong Kong Government. High median RIR of over 3.2% could be seen in some districts including Sham Shui Po, Eastern, Kowloon City, Tsuen Wan, Central and Western districts. In these districts, Sham Shui Po, Eastern and Tsuen Wan ranked the first 5 by the recorded RIR in 4 out of 5 years. Temporally, RIR has dropped in Yau Tsim, but the rate has increased continuously in neighbouring Mong Kok (bar charts on the map).

FEHD takes charge of the prevention and control of rodents through the adoption of an integrated approach, with anti-rodent campaign conducted annually. There is a 24-hour hotline (28680000) to help the public to collect live rodents appropriately. For the disposal of dead rodents, they should be put in plastic bags and sprayed with disinfectant.

Data for the map were obtained from Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, Hong Kong Government.


地圖顯示了2013年至2017年由香港政府食物環境衛生署(食環署)所收集到的鼠患參考指數(RIR)數據。 深水埗區、東區、九龍城區、荃灣區、中西區的RIR 中位數高於百分之3.2。其中深水埗、東區和荃灣區5年間有4年的鼠患指數均在頭五名。油尖區的RIR明顯有逐年下降的趨勢,但是附近旺角區的RIR則有每年上升 (地圖棒形圖)。

有見及此,食環署結合不同的方法去防控鼠患,並每年舉行滅鼠運動。食環署有一條24小時的電話熱線 28680000 去幫助市民適當收集活鼠。另外,在處理死掉的老鼠時,應該先把死老鼠放進膠袋里,然後再噴上消毒劑。


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Plague 鼠疫

  • Plague is caused by the bacteria Yersinia petis, which is transmitted from rodent to rodent by infected fleas. If bitten by an infected flea, a person usually develops a bubonic form of plague, which is characterised by a swelling of the draining lymph node. While bubonic plague is the commonest, there are also the septicaemic form and pneumonic form. Septicaemic plague occurs when infection spreads directly through the bloodstream, while the pneumonic form is the most virulent but least common. Plague also spreads from human to human by inhalation of aerosolised infective droplets, in the absence of flea or animal.
    A Hong Kong outbreak of plague occurred in Tai Ping Shan of Sheung Wan District in 1894. In fact, the bubonic plague bacillus was isolated in Hong Kong at that time by Alexandre Yersin from France.

  • 鼠疫是由耶爾辛氏鼠疫桿菌所引起,在齧齒動物中經由受感染的跳蚤傳播。假若人類被受感染的跳蚤叮咬,被叮位置的淋巴結會腫脹起來形成淋巴腺鼠疫,是最常見的鼠疫。另外,敗血症型鼠疫是細菌直接經血液中擴散所致;而肺炎性鼠疫則是毒性最強但最罕見的類別。肺炎性鼠疫是不需要經跳蚤或動物媒介,而是由人傳人經空氣吸入受感染飛沬傳播。香港曾於一八九四年在上環太平山一帶爆發一場鼠疫。當時法國科學家耶爾辛氏在香港發現淋巴腺鼠疫的桿菌。

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