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No more than 2°C 不超過兩度

(added on 2017/07/26)

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In 2016, all except 2 UN countries (Nicaragua and Syria) signed the Paris Agreement. They agreed to set goal for greenhouse gas emission reduction, in an effort to achieve the mission of keeping the increase of the global average temperature to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels.

The map shows the distribution of greenhouse gas emission among countries. United States and China account for the highest proportion of emission. Unfortunately, in 2017, United States announced its withdrawal from the Paris Agreement. Although such withdrawal notice could only be made 3 years after the Agreement came into being, and not take effect a year thereafter (2020), the move has already affected the morale of the international community..

Global warming has far-reaching impacts. It could lead to iceberg cessation, sea level rise and water temperature increase. The climate change could affect the ecosystem and intensify the uneven distribution of precipitation, and subsequently affects food production and price. As ecosystem and temperature are affected, vector-borne infections could become more widespread, causing illnesses and deaths. In fact, besides efforts at country level, we as individuals can also contribute to the control of global warming in our daily life. Let’s reduce electricity, fuel (coal and oil) and paper usage, and take the mass transit system. We can protect the environment..!

Data source: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCC http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/2015/cop21/eng/10.pdf


地圖顯示各國的相對排放溫室氣體百分比。其中美國及中國 佔最大百分比。令人惋惜的是,美國於2017年宣佈退出協定。雖然根據協定要求,簽約國須在協定生效滿3年後才能提出通知,並在通知一年後才能正式生效(2020年),但消息對於國際社會的整體士氣有一定影響。

全球暖化的影響深遠,首先冰川會消融 、海平面會上升及水溫會升高 。生態系統 會因氣候變遷而受影響,加上降雨量不圴而導致的旱災,都會造成農作物失收,影響糧食產量及價格。此外,全球暖化令以蚊作傳播媒介的傳染病更廣泛地散布,危及生命。事實上,除了國家層面的努力,大家亦可在日常生活中出一分力,減少用電、燃料 (煤、油)及紙張、盡量乘搭公共交通工具。保護環境,我做到!

資料源自聯合國氣候變化框架公約 http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/2015/cop21/eng/10.pdf

Related Article

Paris Agreement 巴黎協定

Paris Agreement (Accord de Paris) is an agreement that deals with greenhouse gas emission mitigation, adaptation and finance, which was adopted in December 2015, and took effect the following year. The main aims include:

"(a) Holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels, recognizing that this would significantly reduce the risks and impacts of climate change;
(b) Increasing the ability to adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change and foster climate resilience and low greenhouse gas emissions development, in a manner that does not threaten food production;
(c) Making finance flows consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development.“
(Article 2)

Data source: Climate Focus

巴黎協定 Paris Agreement (Accord de Paris) 是關於溫室氣體減排、適應和融資的氣候協議。決議在2015年12月被採納,2016年起生效。其主要內容包括:

“1. 把全球平均氣溫升幅控制在工業革命前水平以上的2℃之內,並努力將限制在1.5℃之內,這此舉將大大減少氣候變遷的風險和影響。
2. 提高適應能力應付氣候變化的不良影響,並以不威脅糧食生產的方式增強氣候抗禦力和溫室氣體低排放發展。
3. 使資金流動符合溫室氣體低排放和氣候適應型發展的路徑。

資料源自 Climate Focus

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