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Data source: Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service
Map created by CUHK SpatioEpi Group
In response to shortage in blood inventories, Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service would appeal to the general public for blood donation, such that clinical transfusion treatment would not be interrupted. The map shows the increase in whole blood collections by donors’ residence districts and donor centres, after an urgent appeal for blood donation on 4th May this year.
In the first week after the appeal, a significant increase in whole blood collections was observed in all 9 donor centres, indicated by blood drop symbols. As compared with the daily number of collections in the fortnight before the appeal, more than 50 collection units of whole blood were collected per day in Mong Kok Donor Centre. As depicted by graduated colour, the weekly number of blood donors in eight districts increased by more than 50%. However, people residing in Tuen Mun, Tai Po, Kwun Tong and Southern were less responsive to the appeal. The geographical variation in responding to the appeal might be related to multiple factors, such as population structure, accessibility of donor centres and life-style and commuting patterns of residents.
World Blood Donor Day is observed on 14th June. The slogan of the campaign this year not only encourages people to take immediate action to give blood, but also highlights the importance of regular blood donation on healthcare services.
Data for the map were obtained from Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service.
依圖中血液符號顯示,發出呼籲後首週,所有捐血站的全血收集量都有明顯升幅,當中旺角捐血站每日更收集到比前兩週的日均數目多超過五十個收集單位的全血。另外,共八個地區以深綠色顯示,表示其每週捐血人數有超過百分之五十的增幅,相對之下,屯門、大埔、觀塘及南區的市民對捐血呼籲的反應稍遜。各區對捐血呼籲的差異可受多種因素影響, 如人口結構、捐血站的易達程度及市民的生活習慣和通勤模式。
In Hong Kong, blood donation programme was first introduced by the Red Cross back in 1952. It is a voluntary and non-remunerated service operated through mobile units and donor centres. Since there is no substitution for blood, a large volume of regular blood donors is necessary to ensure self-sufficiency in blood supply in the territory. Giving blood is harmless to the donor. The whole donation process normally consumes only about 10 minutes, and only about 350ml to 450ml blood is taken from the donor each time. The blood collected is separated into various blood components including red blood cells, white cells, platelet and plasma, for different treatment purposes.?
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