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Data source: CHP, HKSAR; OIE
Map created by CUHK SpatioEpi Group
Other than H5N1 and H7N9, H5N6 is another highly pathogenic influenza A virus that can be transmitted from birds to human. Currently all known human H5N6 infections globally have been reported in China alone. Prior to the end of February 2017, the virus has been discovered in birds in Asia exclusively. In November 2016, H5N6 outbreak was observed among poultries of South Korea. The most severe series occurred in Chungcheongbuk-do, with 16 outbreaks identified in a single month. Millions of livestock have been culled to prevent any transmission to human. On 3 March 2017, Greece reported H5N6 outbreak in poultry. It was also the first country outside Asia reporting H5N6 outbreaks. It is not known if the H5N6 in Greece has come from the same Asian source or is the result of another round of genetic reassortment. Further research is needed before a conclusion can be reached.
The map shows, up to 12 February 2017, the accumulated number of outbreaks by administrative regions among birds in Asian countries, and the distribution of human H5N6 cases reported by province in China. Apart from South Korea and China, the virus was also identified in poultries and birds of Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar and Hong Kong. Since May 2014, a total of 16 human H5N6 infection cases have been confirmed in 7 provinces of China. Five patients have died from the infection.
Data for the map were retrieved from Centre of Health Protection, Hong Kong and World Organization of Animal Health (OIE).
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