© 2016 SpatioEpi.com
Data source: FluTrackers
Map created by CUHK SpatioEpi Group
The 2016 Summer Olympics takes place during the month of August in Rio de Janeiro. Apart from the focus on the athletes’ performance, the world is particularly concerned with the impacts on the spread of the Zika virus. Although August is not a mosquito season in Rio, numerous precautionary measures are taken by the Brazil government to prevent transmission of the virus among athletes and tourists.
The map shows the updated epidemic status of Zika in 2016 on the eve of Rio Olympics (5 August), highlighting the situations in countries of Central and South America and at state-level in Brazil. Cumulatively Brazil has reported 66,180 confirmed cases. Columbia and several countries of Central America also have more than 3,000 cases identified. Within Brazil, Bahia and Rio de Janeiro are the most seriously affected places in term of the cumulative number reported. Both have identified more than 40,000 suspected and confirmed cases. Expressing as an incidence by population, Mato Grosso gave the highest rate of around 9,000 cases per million population. The impacts of the Olympics on the Zika epidemic, if any, would unfold in the months to come.
Data for this map were obtained from FluTrackers and Health Ministry of the respective countries.
地圖顯示截至奧運會開幕前夕 (8月5日),寨卡病毒於中南美洲國家及巴西各州分於2016年的疫情。其中,單以巴西已經有66,180宗累積確診個案。哥倫比亞及中美洲多國亦錄得超過3,000宗個案。而巴西各州分中,巴伊亞州及里約熱內盧州均錄得超過40,000宗懷疑及確診個案成為最嚴重受創州分 。若以人口比例計,馬托格羅索州則以每百萬人9,000個案遠超其他州分。奧運會會否影響寨卡疫情,讓我們拭目以待。
資料源自FluTrackers 及各國衛生局。
What is Zika virus? 什麼是寨卡病毒
How does it spread? 如何傳播?
Vaccine? Prevention? 如何預防?
Further information 詳細資料