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Lead in drinking water in public housing estates (updated) 屋邨食水含鉛事件簿 (更新)

(added on 2015/11/12)

©2015 SpatioEpi.com
Data source: Hong Kong Housing Authority and Information Services Department, Hong Kong
Map created by CUHK SpatioEpi Group


In response to the excess lead content found in drinking water in some recently established public rental housing (PRH) estates in early July 2015, the Government of Hong Kong decided to conduct testing on drinking water samples taken from all PRH estates.

The first phase of water sampling tests in PRH estates built in 2005 and thereafter, was completed by the end of September 2015. The map shows the distribution of a total of 11 PRH estates, which were found to contain excess lead in drinking water. The subsequent phase of water testing was extended to those PRH estates completed before 2005. As of 4th November, none of these estates showed excess lead in drinking water. The use of leaded solder materials was found to be the main cause of this incident. While water pipes were generally connected mechanically, without soldering, for those PRH estates completed before 2005, the chance for finding excess lead content in drinking water again would be limited.

Data for the map were obtained from Hong Kong Housing Authority and Information Services Department, Hong Kong.

為應對 2015 年 7 月初於新落成的公共租住屋邨食水發現含鉛一事,香港政府宣布會為全港所有公共屋邨分批抽樣驗水。

首階段為 2005 年及之後落成的公屋項目的驗水工作已於2015年9 月底完成,地圖顯示當中 11 個曾驗出食水含鉛量超標的公共屋邨的分佈。次階段則為 2005 年之前落成的公屋項目抽樣驗水,截至11月4日為止,未有任何屋邨於此階段驗出食水含鉛量超標。由於是次事件主要源自水管焊接物料含鉛,而 2005 年之前落成的公屋食水管多以工具接駁,而非燒焊,相信再驗出食水含鉛量超標的機會不大。


Related Article

Health effect of lead 鉛對人體的危害

Lead is a naturally occurring heavy metal, which is usually present in tiny quantity in the environment. However, lead and its compounds could be more commonly found in industrial products, such as paints, batteries, ceramics, solder and leaded petrol. Non-occupational exposure sources to lead, usually at a very low level, include urban dust, contaminated food and water.

Large amounts of lead accumulated in the body, due to long term exposure, may result in anaemia, high blood pressure, brain and kidney damage. Infants, young children under six, pregnant women and lactating women were more susceptible to the adverse effects caused by elevated blood lead level. Health advice shall be sought if whole blood lead level exceeds 10 microgram/decilitre for adults or 5 microgram/decilitre for persons under 18, pregnant or lactating women.



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