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Dengue North and South 本土登革熱的南北差異

(added on 2015/09/22)

©2015 SpatioEpi.com
Map created by CUHK SpatioEpi Group


As of mid-September, more than 13,000 local dengue fever cases had been reported in Taiwan in 2015. The situation in this summer was exceptionally severe. New cases in the third quarter (week 27 to 37) contributed to 98% of all cases through September 2015. The map illustrated newly reported dengue cases by county/city in Taiwan during the said period. A heterogeneous spatial pattern of case distribution could be observed. Dengue cases were highly concentrated in the southern part of Taiwan than in the north. Specifically, Tainan City has reported over ten thousand confirmed cases.

The line graphs next to the map delineated the local dengue incidence patterns in 3 selected cities from 2009 to mid-September of 2015. Red lines indicated the situation in the third quarter of 2015, corresponding to data used for displaying the spatial pattern on the map. Over the years, sporadic infections have occurred in Taipei City, whereas Tainan City and Kaohsiung City were characterized by the hundreds and thousands of new cases monthly. The seasonal transmission pattern of dengue virus in Southern Taiwan can be inferred: infections were commonly imported during summer, spreading widely within the community and finally faded out in winter. In the past few years, reported incidence in Kaohsiung City was higher Tainan City, yet the situation has reversed in 2015.

Map data were derived from Taiwan Open Data Platform.




Related Article

Dengue 登革熱

What is Dengue? 什麼是登革熱?

  • Dengue is an acute infection caused by the dengue virus Flavivirus. Clinically it can manifest as dengue fever or dengue haemorrhagic fever (DF/DHF).
  • 登革熱病是由登革熱病毒引致的急性傳染病,患者的臨床情況可分為登革熱及登革出血熱。
  • Oviposition trap (Ovitrap) index is a marker for assessing mosquito growth using a simple device placed in the outdoor environment. This in turn supports the evaluation of dengue risk in the human population.
  • 誘蚊指數是以簡單儀器放置戶外,藉以評估伊蚊生長的況,所得指標,用以反映人群感染登革熱的危機。

How does it spread? 如何傳播?

  • Dengue is spread through the bite of several species of the Aedes mosquito which carries the dengue virus. In Hong Kong and Macao, the responsible vector is Aedes Albopictus. Aedes aegypti is the most important vector worldwide. Both types of mosquitoes are found in Taiwan.
  • 登革熱是經被帶有病毒的伊蚊叮後而傳播的傳染病。在香港,白紋伊蚊是常見的傳播媒介,而全球最重要的則是埃及伊蚊。台灣是兩種伊蚊並存。

Vaccine? Prevention? 如何預防?

  • Currently there is no promising vaccine to protect from dengue virus. The best measure is to minimise the breeding grounds of the Aedes mosquitoes by for example sealing up puddles of stagnant water, and avoiding mosquito bites.
  • 目前仍未有有效防登革熱病毒感染的疫苗。預防措施的重點首是減少伊蚊繁殖的地方,包括清除積水防止蚊子滋生,以及避免被蚊子叮咬。

Related maps 相關地圖

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Further information 詳細資料

  • 臺灣政府資料開放平臺
    內政部[2015] [縣(市)行政區域界線] 和 衛生福利部疾病管制署[2015] [地區年齡性別統計表-登革熱(以週為單位)] 此開放資料依政府資料開放授權條款 (Open Government Data License) 進行公眾釋出,使用者於遵守本條款各項規定之前提下,得利用之。 政府資料開放授權條款:http://data.gov.tw/?q=principle