©2012 SpatioEpi.com
Data source: CDC & Tax Foundation
Map created by CUHK SpatioEpi Group
Obesity is a significant public health problem in the United States, posing burden on both disease morbidity and medical expenditure. In some of the states, disfavoured tax for soft drinks and selected snacks is imposed to discourage consumption of these high-calorie products. This map shows the prevalence of obesity in adults by state and the distribution of states levying disfavoured soda tax in 2011.
As depicted by graduated colours, states in eastern or central southern part of the United States had a higher proportion of obese adults. Highest prevalence of obese adults was observed in Louisiana, Mississippi and West Virginia. As indicated by drink symbol, soda tax was levied in Washington DC and other 22 states, which were mainly located in north-eastern United States. Both patterns show spatial autocorrelation but do not follow the same distribution.
Data for the map were obtained from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Tax Foundation.
Body mass index (BMI) is a measurement of obesity for adults. It is defined as a person's weight in kilograms divided by the square of his/her height in metres (kg/m2). BMI is applied to both sexes and all ages of adults in the same way.
According to World Health Organization definition, classification of BMI is as follows.
Underweight: | BMI < 18.5 |
Normal range: | 18.5 <= BMI <24.9 |
Overweight: | BMI >= 25.0 |
Obesity: | BMI >= 30.0 |
However, the use of BMI does carry some limitations. As BMI measures excess weight rather than excess fat, BMI is a surrogate measure for body fatness. Factors such as sex, age, ethnicity and muscle mass might influence the relationship between BMI and body fat. For example, the cut-offs for overweight and obesity are recommended to be lowered to 23 and 25 respectively for Asian population.
過輕: | 體重指數 < 18.5 |
正常範圍: | 18.5 <= 體重指數 <24.9 |
過重: | 體重指數 >= 25.0 |
肥胖: | 體重指數 >= 30.0 |
Organisations 有關機構
Further information 詳細資料