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Data source: Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases
Around 6200 heroin users were reported in 2010 in Hong Kong. The map shows their distribution by district and the locations of their gathering places, the latter derived from a recent study.
Clearly heroin users are not evenly distributed by their resident locations. Their mobility pattern have likewise varied. They tend to gather near the methadone clinics where they have access for substitution treatment. In a study in 2011, the gathering places were mapped by field workers with the help of volunteers familiar with the drug taking community. Some 70% of the gathering places are within 100m from the nearest methadone clinic. The estimated number of heroin users in each gathering place ranges from 100 to 400. The age of heroin users in gathering places located in the urban areas, except Sham Shui Po, is higher, compared to rural places. Social networks have naturally been formed comprising heroin users sharing behavioural practice and also information. These gathering places provide an avenue for epidemiologic studies and the introduction of health promotion activities.
Data on gathering places were obtained from a study developed by Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, while district level statistics were obtained from Central Registry of Drug Abuse Sixtieth Report, Narcotics Division, Security Bureau.
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